
Learning a Different Way – One of the first booklets written and produced in 1986 by Jeffrey Bailey, one of Nishijima Roshi’s first foreign students in 1977. Before the appearance of personal computers, Jeff typed and produced the booklet by hand. In a note to the reader, Jeff writes “This essay was originally written by Master Nishijima as a means of preparing for a series of talks to be given in Japan and the U.S. in the fall of 1986. It is hoped that this edited version will prove interesting and useful, not only to those attending the talks, but to all those with a sincere desire to learn the true meaning of Master Dogen’s thought.”

How to Practice Zazen – A booklet based on extracts from the book of the same name by Gudo Nishijima and Joe Langdon, published in the mid 1970s.

Three Philosophies and One Reality – An edited collection of seven talks given by Nishijima Roshi in the mid 1980s to the weekly seminar he held in Tokyo .

Buddhism & Action – Three talks given by Nishijima Roshi on Japan’s NHK Radio 1 in December 1994, translated by Yoko and Mike Luetchford.

Japanese Buddhism and the Meiji Restoration – Booklet accompanying a talk given by Nishijima Roshi at the American Academy of Religion at their Annual Meeting in San Francisco in 1997.

Understanding the Shobogenzo – Produced in 1992, this booklet explains why the Shobogenzo is so difficult to understand, and outlines its four-phased structure. A text version is here.

Background to Master Dogen and his work – A short history of Dogen’s life and search for the truth.